Categorized Speakers 3

Carina Norte
Ivânia Soares
Rita João
Rita Pogeira
Ana Lúcia Fernandes
Tãnia Gomes
Lucas Brink
Cláudia Guerreiro
Nuno Gonçalves
Miguel Castro
Teresa Jerónimo
Tiago Almendra
Bárbara Antunes
President of the Scientific Commitee
Catarina Pazes
President of the Organizing Commitee
Ana Luísa Carvalho
Tiago Outeiro
Luís Gonçalves
Gabriel José Martins
Miguel-Ángel Moreno
José Bragança
Sofia Calado
Liliana Mendonça
Rui O. Costa
João Oliveira
Liliana Bernardino
Susana Solá
Carles Bosch
Neuroscientist specialising in multimodal, correlative imaging of neural circuits.
Martí Duocastella
Researcher focused on optics and photonics. Interested in using novel optical methods in life sciences.
Peter O’Toole
Head of Imaging and Cytometry
Peter O'Toole has been involved in many aspects of fluorescence imaging and flow cytometry.
Sérgio de Almeida
Sérgio de Almeida is a Group Leader at the Institute of Molecular Medicine João Lobo Antunes (iMM-JLA)
Erin Tranfield
Erin Tranfield, Head of the Electron Microscopy Unit at the Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência
Samuel Ojosnegros
Head of Bioengineering in Reproductive Health
Luciano Marcon
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.
Gerd Kempermann
Keynote Speaker
Gerd Kempermann, M.D., was born in Cologne, Germany and studied medicine in Cologne and Freiburg. After two years of residency in Neuropathology he became postdoctoral fellow in Fred H. Gage's group at the Salk Institute in La Jolla. Since then he has been working on the biology of endogenous neural stem cells in the healthy and diseased brain and on the functional relevance of adult neurogenesis. He is Group Leader at CRTD - Center for Regenerative Therapies TU Dresden. The goal of his lab is to understand how new neurons contribute to brain function and health and disease and how lifestyle and activity build a “neurogenic reserve” to allow functional compensation in the face of old age and beginning dementia.
Marta Nieto
Keynote Speaker
Marta Nieto López is a principal investigator at the Centro Nacional de Biotecnología (Madrid, Spain) and the group leader of the ‘Cerebral Cortical Development’ lab.
João Relvas
Keynote Speaker
João Relvas is a principal investigator at the Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde (i3S), Portugal, where he leads a research group that studies glial cells.