2nd Conference on Musculoskeletal Pathology in General and Family Medicine

These conference aims to address the main musculoskeletal pathologies within the scope of clinical practice in General and Family Medicine through theoretical reviews, scientific evidence, and practical workshops. It features trainers, moderators, speakers, and distinguished guests from various specialties and areas of intervention. The event initially has a limit of 100 participants (subject to change) and will take place in Vilamoura between November 11th and 12th, 2022, at the Dom Pedro Vilamoura Hotel. It is supported by the Algarve Biomedical Center, an entity that has been promoting training and the development of research and scientific activity throughout the country.

Event Details
Rui Sales Marques
Presidente das Jornadas
Teresa Gomes
Comissão Científica
Tiago Pedro
Comissão Científica
Rui Caramelo
Comissão Científica
Revelino Lopes
Comissão Científica
Jorge Godinho
Comissão Científica
Gonçalo Cleto
Comissão Científica
Gisela Leandro
Comissão Científica


Scientific posters accepted by the Scientific Committee will be presented in electronic format (ePoster), and the abstract should not exceed 3500 characters.

The deadline for abstract submission is September 29, 2023, and submissions should be sent via email to the address patologiamskmgf@gmail.com.

Once accepted by the Scientific Committee, the rules and guidelines for creating the ePoster will be sent to the first author. (Content organization structure in Annex 1).

If images/videos are used in which patients may be identified, the author must provide a written and signed authorization from the patient or their legal representative.

Declaration of conflicts of interest and external funding: In the case of a potential conflict of interest related to the presented subject, this should be declared at the beginning of the poster, along with the origin of external funding if applicable.

At the conference venue, a dedicated area will be created for viewing ePosters on vertical monitors.

There will be no oral presentation of the ePoster during the conference.

The ePosters will be published on the conference website, creating a virtual library.

It is mandatory that the poster be submitted in PPT format (PowerPoint® presentation), A4 format in portrait orientation, not exceeding 500MB (for including photos and videos), and a maximum of 3 pages. The poster should include the same sections mentioned in the abstract. Variation in composition, background, and the inclusion of graphics, figures, photographs, etc., is allowed. A minimum font size of 16 is recommended.

The ePoster may contain images with a minimum quality of 600dpi. Adherence to copyright for images/videos will be the participant's responsibility. Videos with the following technical specifications can be added: MP4 or H.264 format with a minimum resolution of 1152x864 for the 4:3 format or 1280x720 for the 16:9 format. The total file size should not exceed 500 MB. If desired, the author may include a QR code redirecting to a video of guided intervention or the patient's outcome.

Accepted official language for submissions: Portuguese


The Scientific Committee will assess the poster abstracts submitted within the deadline. This scientific committee consists of 6 physicians specializing in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and General and Family Medicine.

Members of the scientific committee may not be authors of the submitted works or have contributed to their execution.

Abstracts must be submitted containing a version without authors and a version with authors.

Abstracts will be checked for compliance with submission rules. In case of non-compliance, the work will be rejected and will not be subject to reviewer evaluation.

Each abstract will be evaluated by two independent reviewers, members of the scientific committee. In case of disagreement on acceptance or rejection, a third reviewer will assess the abstract.

Posters with the highest scores will be eligible for an award.

The decision of the scientific committee will be final.

Annex 1. Content structure:

Abstracts of RESEARCH STUDIES will be structured into five sections:

Objectives: Clearly and precisely identify the study's objective. If there is more than one objective, the main objective will be indicated.

Design: Type of study. Reference population. Duration period.

Material and Methods: Study population, selection criteria, sample size, variables, and measurement methods. Statistical analysis.

Results: The main results of the work will be provided, derived from the objectives and methodology used, with mention of confidence intervals for the main results and the level of statistical significance when appropriate. Avoid including data without interest and comments and interpretation of the data. It will not be valid to use phrases like "... the results will be presented ..." or "... the results will be discussed ...," etc., without presenting the results.

Conclusions: They result directly from what is indicated in the Results section. It may be interesting to highlight their importance in clinical practice in General and Family Medicine. Avoid repeating information already presented.

Bibliography: 2 to 5 references.

Abstracts of CLINICAL CASES will be structured into three sections:

Introduction: Brief and should provide only the necessary information for the reader to understand the following text.

Clinical Observation: Description of the case or cases, symptoms, physical examination, complementary tests, diagnosis, treatment, evolution, and prognosis.

Conclusions: They result directly from what is stated in the previous sections. Highlight the case's interest in the clinical practice of General and Family Medicine. Avoid repeating information already presented.

Bibliography: 2 to 5 references.


Tel: (+351) 289800065

Event Details